Sciara, la terra del pistacchio

Bignoles with Pistachio cream

Discover the magic of pistachio cream puffs. , These treats are perfect for surprising your guests or indulging yourself with a little treat.


  • 150 g Flour
  • 250 g Water
  • 50 g Butter
  • 4 medium eggs (about 220/230 g)
  • 30 g Caster sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • Grated zest of 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon Cognac
  • 1 190 g jar Sciara Pistachio cream
  • 500 g Peanut oil
  • Vanilla icing sugar to taste


  1. Place the water, butter, sugar and a pinch of salt in a saucepan. Turn on the heat and stir, bringing it to the boil.
  2. When the water boils, add all the flour in one go and mix quickly with a wooden spoon to avoid lumps forming.
  3. Lower the heat and continue mixing until the mixture comes away from the sides and a white film forms on the bottom.
  4. Move the dough into a saucepan and let it cool.
  5. Add the eggs, one at a time, mixing with an electric whisk to mix everything together.
  6. Once you have obtained a creamy batter, add the cognac and lemon zest to the mixture.
  7. Heat the oil in a pan to at least 165°.
  8. Take a little dough at a time, measure it out with a teaspoon, and immerse it in the boiling oil. The dough will triple in volume and become golden. Turn it from time to time so that all sides are browned. Do a few at a time so as not to let the oil cool down and run the risk of the bignoles sticking together.
  9. Drain the bignoles and place them on absorbent paper. Let them cool.
  10. They are now ready to be filled with Sciara pistachio cream and dusted with icing sugar.
60 cream puffs
30 min.
15' + 15'

Prodotti Sciara Utilizzati

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Tabella nutrizionale per 100g*

22 g
4 g
*I valori sono solo indicativi e possono variare notevolmente a seconda del produttore specifico dell'alimento, del metodo di preparazione e di altri fattori.

Sciara Pistachio Cream, when you don't spread it on bread or toast and eat it directly from the jar, can be used as a filling in the most delicious creations in the kitchen. And so did our friend and food blogger Simona Valli, ours “mamma in cucina”, who thought of using it to fill her Bignoles.
But what are bignoles? Bignoles, whose name derives from the more well-known "bignè" (cream puffs), is a typical dessert of Turin pastry making. These are small balls of leavened sweet dough that are well suited to being filled with creams such as hazelnut, pistachio, almond, zabaglione, chocolate... And in your opinion which of these creams will Simona have chosen for us in Bronte to discover? Pistacho cream of course!
To make bignoles you use the same dough used for cream puffs, choux pastry, and for this reason they can be made either fried, as tradition dictates, or baked, thus obtaining a lighter dessert, perhaps to be filled with "Oro" lactose free pistachio cream by Sciara.
Bignoles are ideal for serving as a snack, as dessert at the end of a sunday meal or for parties and occasions and it is customary to propose a bouquet of flavors recognizable by the color of the top. You could therefore fill a third of it with Sciara Pistachio Cream, a third with Sciara Hazelnut Cream and the last third with Sciara Almond Cream.

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