The creaminess of Sciara "Oro" Pistachio Cream can recall the covering of a soft cheesecake, and so does our friend and food blogger Giovanna La Barbera, of La Tavola Allegra, thought of using it in this recipe. But do you know the origin of cheesecake?
Many are convinced that the original recipe is English, but history tells us that the first cheese cake we remember was served to athletes during the ancient Olympic Games which took place in Greece. In fact, in the eighth century BC, according to what Callimachus tells us, there was a certain Egimius who delighted in writing a text entirely dedicated to the art of making cheese cakes, ancestors of our cheesecake.
The Greeks' passion for cheesecake is also confirmed by historians. It is said that in 776 BC. the athletes were refreshed with a very energizing cake made with sheep's cheese and honey. During their conquests, the Romans exported the recipe for the dessert from Greece, which spread throughout Europe and reached America centuries later. Right here in 1982, an American dairy producer, James L.Kraft, tried to reproduce the famous French cheese Neufchatel. The experiment failed, but in the attempt an alternative recipe was discovered, that of cream cheese, which took the name of Philadelphia, the basis of the modern cheesecake.
We will use ricotta, as in the original recipe, and instead of honey the exquisite Sciara "Oro" Pistachio Cream, as is done in Bronte!