An artisanal Pasta format perfect for those who love short pasta. Sciara Pistachio Caserecce are made with Sicilian durum wheat and Minced Pistachio, with no preservatives. They are ideal to pair with Pistachio Pesto for a full and intense flavor, or to enhance with, for example, fish chunks and cherry tomatoes. Cooking time: 7 minutes. Al dente cooking: 5 minutes.
Sciara Pistachio Fettuccine are an excellent fusion of artisanal pasta and high-quality pistachios. They encloses the unique culinary experience of artisanal pasta and the delicate flavor of Pistachio, making every forkful a true delight for 'Green Gold' lovers. They are worth trying, for example, with pumpkin and gorgonzola or with Sciara Pistachio and Truffle Pesto. Cooking time: 7 minutes. Al dente cooking: 5 minutes.
Sciara Pistachio Fusilli are a delightful artisanal pasta enriched with the delicate flavor of Pistachio. This artisanal delicacy offers a perfect combination of texture and taste, ideal for pistachio and good cuisine lovers. Worth trying, for example, with octopus, anchovies, and bell peppers or with Sciara Pistachio and Porcini Pesto. Cooking time: 7 minutes. Al dente cooking: 5 minutes.
Sciara Pistachio Pennette, made with Sicilian durum wheat, offer an incredible fusion of quality artisanal pasta and Minced Pistachio, creating a product that captures the authentic taste of Sicily. The combination of high-quality wheat and Minced Pistachio gives life to a unique product with an authentic flavor and a satisfying texture that will tantalize your palate. Try them with Pistachio Pesto or, for example, with shrimp and zucchini. Cooking time: 7 minutes. Al dente cooking: 5 minutes.
All'interno di questo pratico Kit sono compresi:
Basterà cuocere la Pasta secondo i tempi indicati in etichetta, scolarla tenendo da parte un po' di acqua di cottura e poi aggiungere il Pesto di Pistacchio. Mescolare quindi bene aggiungendo l'acqua di cottura secondo la consistenza desiderata e guarnire con la Granella di Pistacchio. Un primo piatto semplicissimo e ricco di gusto!