Sciara, la terra del pistacchio

Pasticcio of Codfish, Hazelnut Pesto, Pachino and Confit Lemon

Mediterranean flavor and crunchiness come together in an irresistible cod pie, caressed by a velvety hazelnut pesto, the freshness of Pachino cherry tomatoes and the exotic touch of lemon confit. A dish that encapsulates Sicilian tradition and creativity in the kitchen.


  • 200 g Codfish in oil
  • 1 White onion
  • 1 handful Pachino cherry tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon Sciara Hazelnut pesto
  • half a Lemon
  • 1 teaspoon Soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon whole-grain sugar
  • Pink peppercorns
  • a handful of Chopped hazelnuts
  • Evo oil and Pepper to taste.


  1. Cut the lemon into slices and arrange them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Season the slices with sugar, soy sauce, pink pepper and evo oil, cover with foil and bake in a 150° oven for about 20 minutes (check while baking).
  2. Sauté the sliced onion a few minutes in oil and pepper. Then add the hazelnut pesto, cherry tomatoes and a few tablespoons of vegetable broth and cook over a low flame until the onion is golden brown and the cherry tomatoes are well cooked.
  3. Serve the cod pie with the candied lemon slices and chopped hazelnuts.
2 people
20 min.
30 min.

Prodotti Sciara Utilizzati

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Tabella nutrizionale per 100g*

11 g
17 g
*I valori sono solo indicativi e possono variare notevolmente a seconda del produttore specifico dell'alimento, del metodo di preparazione e di altri fattori.

Cod pie with Hazelnut Pesto, Pachino cherry tomatoes and Confit Lemon is a delicacy that enchants with its harmonious combination of flavors and textures. This dish is a reminder of our island, where cod, caught in the Mediterranean Sea, meets the fragrance of hazelnuts, the freshness of Pachino cherry tomatoes and the exotic aroma of confit lemon.

This pie is perfect for special occasions and elegant dinners, thanks to its charming presentation and refined taste. Candied lemon slices add a touch of sweetness and acidity, while chopped hazelnuts lend a pleasant crunch to the dish. The Hazelnut pesto sauce, with its buttery, enveloping flavor, ties all the ingredients together perfectly.

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