Sciara, la terra del pistacchio

Potato flans with Pistachio Pesto, cheese and zucchini

These little treasure chests of flavor feature a soft potato mixture embracing stringy zucchini with Pistachio Pesto. An explosion of flavor in every bite, perfect as an appetizer or side dish to enhance any main course.


  • 1 kg Potatoes
  • 1 Zucchini
  • 80 g Emmenthal cheese
  • 2 tablespoons freshly grated Grana Padano cheese
  • 120 g of Sciara Pistachio Pesto
  • 3 tablespoons Organic extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt to taste
  • Breadcrumbs to taste.


  1. Take the potatoes, wash them well by scrubbing them, and put them in a pot with plenty of water and salt.
  2. Bring to a boil and cook for about 30 to 40 minutes.
  3. Once cooked, drain them and let them to cool.
  4. Meanwhile, take the zucchini, wash it, and cut it into strips lengthwise.
  5. Grill the zucchini slices.
  6. When the potatoes have cooled, peel and mash them.
  7. Add the salt, Grana Padano cheese, and oil to the puree until the mixture is smooth and soft.
  8. Take the molds, grease them with oil and sprinkle the breadcrumbs over them so that they are completely lined.
  9. Cut the grilled zucchini into small pieces.
  10. Take the Emmenthal and cut it into cubes.
  11. Place a layer of mashed potatoes in each mold.
  12. Add to each one the zucchini, a few cubes of Emmenthal and a teaspoon of Pistachio Pesto.
  13. Top with the mashed potatoes, sealing the edges well.
  14. Grease them with a little oil and sprinkle each mold with breadcrumbs.
  15. Bake the flans in a static oven at 200° for 20 minutes or until they appear golden brown.
  16. Serve the flans warm so that the cheese remains stringy by adding a few drops of Pistachio Pesto on top and beside them
4 people
20 min.
60 min.

Prodotti Sciara Utilizzati

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Tabella nutrizionale per 100g*

9 g
5 g
*I valori sono solo indicativi e possono variare notevolmente a seconda del produttore specifico dell'alimento, del metodo di preparazione e di altri fattori.

Have you ever thought of pairing Sciara Pistachio Pesto with potatoes? Here's our friend and food blogger Giovanna of La Tavola Allegra, suggests a great pairing!

Potato flans are convenient, tasty and soft single-portion casseroles that can be brought to the table either as an appetizer or as a side dish to accompany, if desired, a meat dish.

Potato pie is a little treasure chest of flavor and softness. A soft potato-based dough that encloses a heart of stringy zucchini with Pistachio Pesto. Imagine the wonder of your guests as soon as they cut it with a fork!

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