Sciara, la terra del pistacchio

Pumpkin Velouté with Pistachio Pesto and Goat's Cheese

A refined dish packed with flavor, Pistachio Cream of Pumpkin and Goat's Cheese is a delight for the palate. The creaminess of the pumpkin marries with the sweetness of the goat cheese, all enhanced by the Pistachio granules and Pistachio pesto. A perfect preparation for special occasions or for those looking for a unique dish that captures the essence of Mediterranean cuisine.


  • Half a Delica pumpkin (about 500 g)
  • 1 medium Potato
  • 1 Blond onion
  • 500 ml Vegetable broth
  • 1 glass lukewarm Fresh milk
  • 1 Goat's cheese
  • 4 tablespoons of Sciara Chopped Pistachio
  • 2 tablespoons of Sciara Pistachio Pesto
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Extra virgin olive oil to taste


  1. Take the pumpkin, peel it and cut it into small pieces, removing the seeds.
  2. Peel the potato and cut it into small pieces as well.
  3. Take the onion, peel and finely chop it.
  4. In a saucepan, sauté the onion with a tablespoon of oil for two minutes.
  5. Add the onion, pumpkin and potato to the onion and sauté the vegetables on a high flame for 5 minutes.
  6. Pour two ladles of broth over the vegetables, put the lid on, and cook for 15 to 20 minutes, adding more broth when necessary.
  7. Roll out a sheet of foil and lay the Chopped Pistachio on top.
  8. Take the goat cheese, place it in the center on the Chopped Pistachio, and roll it around until it is completely covered with Pistachios.
  9. Wrap the goat cheese in plastic wrap and refrigerate.
  10. Heat the milk.
  11. When the vegetables are cooked put them in a blender, add salt and pepper to taste, put in a generous spoonful of Pistachio pesto, warm milk and blend everything until it becomes a smooth, homogeneous cream.
  12. Pour the cream of pumpkin soup onto plates.
  13. Take the goat cheese, cut it into chunks and lay one piece on each plate.
  14. Make a cone out of baking paper, put the Pistachio pesto inside, and let some drops fall onto the plates to create polka dots.
  15. Serve the dishes thus decorated.
2 people
15 min.
20 min.

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Tabella nutrizionale per 100g*

4 g
3 g
*I valori sono solo indicativi e possono variare notevolmente a seconda del produttore specifico dell'alimento, del metodo di preparazione e di altri fattori.

Today we offer pumpkin velouté with goat cheese covered with Pistachio granules and embellished with Pistachio Pesto. Two mouth-watering products signed Sciara!

The main ingredient in this recipe is pumpkin, do you know all about it? These vegetables contain Beta Carotene, an antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals and strengthens the immune system. They are also a low-calorie food, rich in potassium, magnesium and vitamins. Pumpkin boasts anti-cancer properties, and the presence of water, 94 percent of its composition, makes it particularly good for maintaining hydration and proper water balance between the body and mucous membranes. What better excuse to fully enjoy it?

Historically, the pumpkin was cultivated as early as 5000 BC (even before corn) by South American tribes: the seeds are full of protein, and it was easily transportable, perfect for trade. Pumpkins, emptied of their pulp, were also used by farmers as containers for storing wine and carrying water. They were also one of the first musical instruments, primitive man already using them as a maracas by shaking it and making the seeds inside resonate.

Our friend and food blogger Elena Levati of ConUnPocoDiZucchero chose to combine pumpkin with goat cheese and Sciara Pistachio Pesto, a combination of flavors to try!

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